Friday, December 4, 2009

A dunkel from MUNICH!

I saw this little Leckerli (that's tasty treat in Deutsche) at Quarters as I stressed over a beer purchase. The problem with doing this blog is that I am trying to choose things I haven't had before, but that's increasingly difficult because there is so much to pick from. But, when I saw the Spaten Dunkel...from MUNICH!!!, I knew I had found my beer for the day (ah, and past that day...yeah...)

This dunkel beer was a opaque dark auburn color with minimal head. The beer was a bit sweeter than I expected, with some sweet malt, banana, hints of fruit scents and flavors. There was a nice woody/earthy taste at the end, which finished off the beer pretty well. The medium body was nice, smooth and not overly heavy or robust. It's a very fitting representation of a dunkel style beer and I would definitely pick it up again. This is very easy to drink, good ABV (5.50%) and flavorful. So, if you're in the market for a good German beer, give this one a try.

Appearance - 3.5/5.0 -dark auburn color, opaque but not cloudy, minimal head
Smell - 4.0/5.0 - sweet malt, banana, some fruit, very fitting for dunkel beer
Taste - 3.5/5.0 - malty, some banana flavor, medium body, solid malty aftertaste, woody taste at end
Feel - 4.0/5.0 - smooth, not overly robust, some aftertaste but flavorful
Drinkability - 4.5/5.0 - ach ja, baby. Definitely

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